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Fig. 66 (abstract P375). | Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer

Fig. 66 (abstract P375).

From: 31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part two

Fig. 66 (abstract P375).

Representative images of immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining for tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and PD-L1 status from the 186 patients with gastric cancer. a Type I, adaptive immune resistance. More than 50% of the tumor cells (TC=3) demonstrated cell membrane PD-L1 expression with a “severe” grade of CD8+ T cell infiltration. b Type I, adaptive immune resistance. About 1-3% of the tumor cells (TC=1) and 3-5% tumor-infiltrating immune cells (IC=1) in the invasive tumor margin demonstrated cell membrane PD-L1 expression with a “moderate” grade of CD8+ T cell infiltration. c Type II, immune ignorance. PD-L1 negative (TC=0 and IC=0) with no CD8+ T cell infiltration. d Type IV, other suppressor. PD-L1 negative (TC=0 and IC=0) with a “severe” grade of CD8+ T cell infiltration

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