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Fig. 73 (abstract P380). | Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer

Fig. 73 (abstract P380).

From: 31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part two

Fig. 73 (abstract P380).

Analysis of images using algorithm’s within Inform software. a Multiplex IHC image stained for DAPI + SOX10 (tumor marker, red) + CD3 (T cell marker, cyan) + CD8 (cytotoxic T cell marker, magenta) + CD68 (myeloid marker, green) + Ki67 (marker of proliferation, yellow) + HLA-DR (marker of MHC-II, orange). b Phenotyped image with CD68 (green), CD3 (magenta), CD3/CD8 (light pink), HLA-DR (cyan), Tumor (red), other (blue). c Phenotype Map – data from Inform is exported to provide an X and Y coordinate for every cell in each image. d The X and Y coordinates can be analyzed using R Studio for Nearest Neighbor Analysis. In this image distance between CD3/CD8 (blue) and HLA-DR (orange) cells are being evaluated. Distance between cells is illustrated by a line

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