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Table 1 Differentiated thyroid cancer incidence and pathological features in patients with and without autoimmune thyroid diseases

From: Nature of coexisting thyroid autoimmune disease determines success or failure of tumor immunity in thyroid cancer







DTC, n/total (%)

600/1851 (32.4%)

256/576 (44.4%)

16/206 (7.8%)

175/365 (47.9%)

81/211 (38.4%)

OR vs. Non-AITD 95% CI P value


1.67 1.38–2.02 < 0.0001

0.18 0.10–0.30 < 0.0001

1.92 1.53–2.41 < 0.0001

1.30 0.97–1.74 0.09

Comparisons Between subgroups


OR = 0.11 95% CI = 0.06–0.18 p < 0.0001

OR = 1.48 95%CI = 1.05–2.09 p = 0.029

Size (cm) SEM

1.8 (1.7)

1.5 (1.3)

0.7 (0.3)

1.5 (1.2)

1.5 (1.4)

p value compared to Non-AITD



< 0.001



p value




Macro n (%)

369 (66.4%)

142 (55.9%)

2 (12.5%)

98 (56.9%)

44 (57.8%)

OR vs. Non-AITD 95% CI p value


1.56 1.15–2.11 0.005

13.8 3.11–61.4 < 0.001

1.49 1.05–2.11 0.028

1.44 0.84–2.34 0.158

OR 95% CI p value


8.88 1.98–39.9 0.001

0.96 0.56–1.66 1.000

FTC n (%)

46 (7.7%)

12 (4.7%)

0 0%

9 (5.1%)

3 (3.7%)

OR vs. Non-AITD 95% CI p value


1.69 0.88–3.24 0.112

2.77 0.16–46.9 0.623

1.53 0.73–3.20 0.316

2.16 0.66–7.11 0.254

OR 95% CI p value


1.69 0.10–29.8 1.000

1.41 0.37–5.35 0.758

FVPTC n (%)

130 (21.7%)

56 (21.9%)

2 (12.5%)

36 (20.6%)

20 (24.7%)

OR vs. Non-AITD 95% CI p value


0.99 0.69–1.41 1.000

1.94 0.43–8.63 0.542

1.07 0.71–1.62 0.834

0.84 0.49–1.45 0.568

OR 95% CI p value


1.96 0.43–8.88 0.535

0.79 0.42–1.48 0.516

Other PTC variants n (%)

12 (2.0%)

10 (3.9%)

0 0%

4 (2.3%)

6 (7.4%)

  1. Abbreviations: Non-AITD subjects without any form of autoimmune disease by pathology, HT subjects with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, GD subjects with Graves’ disease, EHT subjects with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis by pathology and normal thyroid function, Hypo-HT subjects with hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto’s disease, Macro differentiated thyroid cancer larger than 1cm in maximum diameter, FVPTC follicular variant of papillary thyroid cancer, Other variants other forms of papillary thyroid cancer, i.e. oncocytic, solid, tall cell variants, Mets distant metastases, I-131 post-operative treatment with at least one dose of I-131
  2. Comparison of thyroid cancer features with Fischer's exact test, between thyroid cancers found in the background of thyroid autoimmunity and those found in the absence of autoimmune thyroid diseases (Non-AITD). Odds ratios are reported as a comparison of the proportions between subjects with Non-AITD and subjects with autoimmune thyroid disorders
  3. Odds ratios for the presence of DTC are estimated between subgroups of subjects with AITD and subjects without (Non-AITD). The odds ratios for DTC are estimated between different subgroups as well
  4. Bold indicates a statistically significant difference between ratios